Tuesday, October 15, 2019

1850's - Decade of Crisis Day 1

Define Crisis

1. Introduction Activity
Think of a time when a relationship in your life came to an end
(friendship, parent, sibling, any relationship you know) and answer the following questions
on a sheet of paper.
  • What were the signs that your relationship was over?
  • What compromises had you made to keep the relationship going?
  • What were you no longer willing to compromise?
2. Share your thoughts/experiences with your group and complete this Form as a group.

3. Discuss class responses

4. Watch Story of US - Division Part II - and complete chart Political,Economic,Social

Written Assessment Revisions: Last Day is Today ROOM 152H EMAIL Mrs Maloney 
Unit 2 Multiple Choice Test - Study Hall located in Dance Studio by the weight room and Pre-school MUST BE TAKEN BY END OF DAY ON FRIDAY

CNN 10
Today's show begins by updating you on recent events in Syria and explaining how other countries factor in. Then, we're examining the complicated and expensive process of running for U.S. president. And we're showing you how a company is helping concrete producers cut down on carbon dioxide emissions.