Monday, August 19, 2019

Declaration of Independence Day 1

1. Declaration of Independence Timeline Activity
Use the Constitution Center Interactive Timeline to complete the Declaration Timeline Activity Form. Enable sound and use headphones while using the timeline link above.

Preamble to Declaration of Independence Activity with Partner Click on the Preamble Declaration Activity for instructions.

3. Complete Preamble Discussion Questions Form with partner.

If you finish early you can watch the following:

Declaration of Independence Link
1776 Clip -(video to 4:31)

CNN 10

Problems involving lead and tap water have grown in Newark, New Jersey, and they're drawing some comparisons to ongoing troubles in Flint, Michigan. A panel of mountain climbers and government officials has released guidelines for limiting future crowds on Mount Everest. And a 103-year-old woman reportedly sets a new record for world's oldest tandem skydiver.