Monday, October 28, 2019

Civil War -2

Fire Drill 9:30

1. Discuss Election of 1860 ppt 

2. Read Fort Sumter p 372-373 in text and complete journal entries in Unit 3  packet.

3. Complete Civil War map in  packet.

4. Complete the Advantages & Disadvantages of North & South chart  in the Unit 3 Packet (Link located on Schoology or pages 390-395 in textbook)

HW: Finish if not completed in class today

Monday: 2:30-3:00 152 H
Tuesday 2:30-3:25 152 H
Wednesday 8:15- 8:45 152 B, 2:30-3:25 152 H
Thursday 7:00-7:30 152 B, 2:30-3:00 152 H
Friday 2:30-3:25 152 H