Thursday, October 10, 2019

Mexican American War -1

1. Discuss Manifest Destiny

American Progress John Gast 1872

2. Watch Mexican American War & Manifest Destiny (6:30)

3. Complete  Why did the United States go to war with Mexico? chart
           - Use War with Mexico Document Site to complete with your table partner.

HW: Unit 2 Multiple Choice FRIDAY 10/11
All Late/Absent Work Due FRIDAY 10/11
Unit 2 Packets DUE FRIDAY 10/11 - Blue & Yellow

Written Assessment Revisions: Fri, Tue- EMAIL Mrs Maloney 

CNN 10

Turkey has begun a military operation in northern Syria, and today's show explains why and what some other countries are saying about it. We're also covering the history and prestige of the Nobel Prize, and we're examining why a California utility company decided to cut electricity for hundreds of thousands of people. Finally, a reusable container company hopes to close the "loop" on plastic waste.